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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Create a Fire Escape plan.

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

One of the most important things you can have for your family is an escape plan in case of a fire. You may only have a few minutes to react and get everyone out of your home safely. Having an emergency evacuation plan will allow your family members to know what to do if this disaster should occur. After all, this is a life and death situation! Here are a few tips to think about when creating a plan of action.

* Make sure everyone in the home is accounted for. If there are children or elderly be sure to have another adult assigned to them to help them out of the building.

* Each room should have two ways to escape, either a door or a window.

* Identify a safe location to meet. This location should be far enough away from the home where you can wait for the fire dept. DO NOT for any reason re-enter the home.

* Make a diagram of your home. Be sure to include the locations of all of the smoke detectors, exits from every room and the house, as well as the meeting place.

* Share it. Be sure to share the plan with everyone in your home. Be sure to include any overnight guests or visitors.

* Practice, practice, practice. Practice runs of the escape plan should be done to ensure that all family members are comfortable.

If a family member cannot escape from the room in which they are in due to the fire being in their way, they should close all doors to the room they are in and put a towel under the door. Then wait near an exterior window for help to arrive.

SERVPRO® of Westfield, Southwick is highly qualified and have experience in fire restoration services.

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